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Amy Higgins


The puppeteering babies and other editions

My work is a constant evolution of thoughts and ideas, a never ending experiment with materials, but the process stays constant. The process is personal, choosing to work at home instead of a shared studio. I find I can only create with the TV on, the none-stimulating shows I watch allow for me to fall into a semi-meditative state creating until I feel ready to stop. In a sense I’m addicted to crafting with my hands, using repetitive actions to confront the abandoned, broken and uncomfortable human emotions such as life and death. I’m a restorer and preserver, yet go to the extremes of destroying in order to manipulate the images I create. I not only create images but narratives, constantly telling a story, yet it is not always clear at first what the story is until completion. These stories can be and often are visually humorous, an unreserved juxtaposition of themes found deeper in the context. I allow the materials I use to dictate what I produce, every action is instinctive.

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